Thursday, October 11, 2012

I'll Have My Cake...And Eat It Too

At our 28 week appointment Meg was administered a Glucose Test. This test is to screen for Gestational Diabetes (diabetes brought on by pregnancy) which can be a bit of a risk for both mom and baby. If Meg had gestational diabetes she would have to change her diet and take out sweets. Luckily, our doctor came in and told Meg that she could go home and have some cookies and ice cream. No Gestational Diabetes!!! We also got to hear the baby's heart beat, found out that our baby was in the correct position (head down), and Meg's belly was measured to make sure everything is growing as it should. Meg's pregnancy continues to go smoothly.

Last week Meg and I spent about 3 hours in Babies R Us. Luckily they gave us a cheat sheet to give Meg and I and idea of some things we needed to put on our registry. There is literally a ton of stuff out there and it is a little difficult to determine what is needed and what is not. Meg continues to spend time online (almost nightly) trying to find the perfect items for our little bundle of joy.

At my office, both myself and another guy, are expecting our first kids. He and his wife are expecting a baby girl in November while Meg and I are expecting our boy in December. As such, the idea of having a joint office baby shower was floated around a couple months ago. Well, last week my work had a surprise baby shower for us. We got diapers, wipes, a book, a hand quilted blanket, and (of course) air fresheners. It was quite unexpected, but much appreciated.

Last, but not least, Meg and I have started the first of our baby classes. In the first class we mostly covered Mom's anatomy during pregnancy and a few things on what to expect when the baby comes. We also spent time talking a little bit about breathing exercises and what might be some preferences when coping with the pain of pregnancy.

Well gotta go... We've got another class to get to tonight. Will blog again soon!

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